Monday, June 21, 2010

Coach's farewell party

Well team, you guys must have received a text message by me, sasha or faith. Well, for the venue, we could not party at mel's place. UNLESS,

no.1 : Change the date to sunday or something?

no.2 : change the venue? who lives in a condo or private apartment would like to host the party? If you think you really can, that would be really nice!!!! :)

Send me your ideas to me now!

We shall talk about it after training tomorrow and decide!

Training tomorrow @ 8.30 am , be punctual! Those who cannot make it please text me nowwwww.... Those who did nt come for training today, please tell me why too. Thanks.

oh yes, not to mention,

1) nursya
2) linda
3) natasha
4) cheryl
5) maggie



Friday, June 4, 2010

June Training 2010

Dear Team,

There will only be one training in week 2 of the Hols. 8th Tues, Ms Mok will look after you while she has netball. Any injuries pls call her first.
No training on the 10th as I can't find anybody to look after you guys.

Week 3 - Tues, thurs.

I'll be away for OCIP from 5th -10th. Pls sms me if you need my consent for anything.

Good that you have started planning something for coach. Just keep me in the loop pls. By end of the month I will inform you of the EXCO for softball. I haven't had the time to collate everything.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Coach's Farewell Party

so as we discussed today during team talk,
we will be holding an event for coach.
please do the simple poll below to help us understand what kind of event you want to have
everyone has to vote.
please text Carley if you have any suggestions.

1. BBQ at melissa's house.
- pot luck
- everybody brings money and we can order in

2. Bowling
-we can go bowling then have dinner after that

3. Country Club
- we can swim & have a barbeque

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The first training

Hi team,

there is a change on the training date. 19th may, Wednesday, 2.30 to 6 is the first training! please remember to come! :D

Monday, May 10, 2010

BBQ farewell for seniors

Dear Team,

I have proposed to change the timing of the party to 22nd 11am during training till about 1.30pm. In that way, I don't have to worry about safety issues whenever pupils gather for a party. We can invite coach, mrs coach, mr wang, ms rachel for the BBQ lunch.

Things to bring
Charcoal- Ms Quek
fire starter- Ms Quek
lighter- Ms Quek
BBQ pit- Ms Quek
wire mesh- Ms Quek

4 Tongs
2 brush for oil

ice container - school has

Food - must be halal
chicken wings
pls add on to this list

Let's thank our seniors for their time and effort with a last farewell party. Up to the team if you want to play games or sabo your seniors ( pls don't waste food or water).

We will have the election for 2010-2011 on the 22nd May.

All the Best for you exams

Remember - softballers must be all rounders. Play any position given as well as be successful academically.

Don't give up.

Study hard, play hard.

Training for may/ june

If you cannot make it on any days, please write on a piece of paper the date and day, your name and last but not least your REASON. If let say, the day before you are sick or anything please message me, carley. Please inform me! PLEASE TRY TO MAKE IT FOR ALL!

P.s give the paper to me or melissa chua or

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Keep fit

Dear Team,

I don't understand why parents are calling me on a Sunday night to ask whether there is training at 615am on Monday.
Please explain to the Juniors properly:
1. At least 2 days of exercise during our exam period so that all our efforts don't go to waste.
2. Monday 2.4km you should be able to finish it in 20 mins.
3. Gym: AS I SAID - do some bicep curls at home using books, or water bottles, push ups etc... some of our bodies are still not developed for weights but light weight can still be done. Most of us are ready and we should be putting on more muscle for more power. Don't worry, if you do this correctly you won't injure yourself or look like a body builder.
4. NOTE: don't have to come so early to school to do this exercise. Just come and run. If monday cannot finish then tues come and do on your own. I'm only insisting that you need to continue to exercise. How and when you do it is up to you as long as you do it.
5. After exams there will be a 2.4k test.
6. I will also be checking on your arm power.

Lastly, don't use my private no unless its an emergency. You can always ask your parents to email me or call my school no. Much appreciated.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Please read it! Don t be lazy.

Every monday morning, you girls are expected to run 6 rounds around the track. Miss quek wants you guys to keep exercising. Don't need to run fast. This will be recorded in the "running to portugal". Make sure you are there! For fridays, you girls will either be running or doing gym. (To be comfirm). After all these exercising, please change back to uniform. Last but not least, Everyone, everymorning please come to the hockey pitch to throw and catch. Please increase the distance. Pitchers please pitch. please be serious about trainings and try to come for all. Monday (26 apr) , please come early and be there for morning run. The days whereby there is exam, there will be no running or gym. Study hard and take care of yourselves. All the best!


Well done ladies! SRC C girls champion! keep it up!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

March Training

Dear Team,

16th - 2pm Ms Chin
18th - YOG am, Training 2pm Mr Wang
19th YOG am, SRC 330pm Ms Chin
20th - SRC 7am Mr Wang
21st - TBC Ms Chin

23rd - Newtown Mr Wang
25th - River valley - Ms Quek
27th - Training - Ms Quek
30th - Nanyang - Ms Quek

Second Round here we come.

Pls take care of your health. Drink more water, your muscles will work better.

Pls remind coach that school closes at 5pm during school holidays.

Leave lesson at 1215pm. Bus leave at 1pm. Remind Mr Wang to bring 2 game balls. Don't write STC so big.

Do sms me to tell me results of SRC and Nationals.

All the best. Play hard.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Very important!

Hi! CHIJ STC C'Div won AHS 26-6! Hooray!

By the way, there are some changes for SRC.

CHIJ STC will be playing on the 19th (Friday) vs PCS at padang at 5.15 pm. PLEASE BE THERE BY 3.30 lastest 3.45. In the morning there will be YOG training. Please be there in school for YOG training.

On the 20th (Saturday) , CHIJ STC will be playing with GSS at 8.30am. EVERYONE PLEASE BE THERE BY 7 !!! and another game vs Nanhua High at 12.15pm.

If we get into 2nd round, there will be further announcement.

See ya!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

New Blog design, please give me your feedback. If you prefer the old one or any other design, feel free to tag and share!